I was graced with the opportunity recently to view the banned movie "Song of the South" which the Disney ride "Splash Mountain" is based on. I wanted to do a picture with the "Brers" as real animals. I think the "tar baby" is delightfully creepy.
Here are some more of the movies I watched in January. Some old ones included. "When Stand Up Stood Out", "Step Brothers", "Bewitched", "Batman", "Batman Returns".
So I got this idea to make a collage from all the movies I've seen this year since January 1st. I have a list of all the movies I've seen from 2006, so I thought I could make a yearly collage of sketches from all the flicks I've seen. Just images from certain scenes that stood out to me. Here's the first set. BTW, you'll notice some of them are old movies that I just happened to watch this year. "King of Kong", "Slumdog Millionaire", "Blades of Glory", "Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "Brothers Solomon".
The start of my 80's Celtics collection. Ok, they were obviously the enemies to my Showtime Lakers, but they were a dynasty in themselves, and some really good players. The greatest of all..Larry Legend. (I added a signature just for the heck of it. It looked like it fit.)
A dear friend of mine passed away a few days ago, and one thing I remember about her is that she was a huge fan of Sen. Ted Kennedy. Despite his faults, she would follow him wherever he went. This was done in her honor.
Mrs. White with a rope.. (Madeline Kahn was so good in this role. I loved it when she sang the other part to "For he's a Jolly Good Fellow", also: "Yes, yes I did it, I killed Yvettte. I hated her so...much, it it, it, fla...flames...on the side of my face, breathing...breath, heaving, heaving breath--")
I listened to this album a lot in the 90's. Some old standards like Dope, When Will I See You Smile Again, Poison, Do Me... "Never trust a big butt and a smile.."
Another cassette I used to have, MC Hammer, "2 Legit 2 Quit". (My friend Mao-Chi bought me this tape at the Coconuts on Main Street, Flushing. He was so excited because the girl gave him a $10 bill as change, instead of a $1 bill.)